sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010


A painter's ode to his beloved one.

On a white canvas
I will paint your portrait
swiftly in colours so soft
but also in harsh strikes

in the open page I will pour
all my colours, and my veins,
all the pasts and beyonds,
with soft whispers sweep the hypes

On a swinging groove I will dance
my hands, and gladly follow
your curves, to find your glow,
and erase your sorrows;

so the artwork that abides
in your inner matching hues
will overflow in gracious pride
that sparks deliciously from you.

3 comentários:

João Medeiros disse...

in your inner matching hues>>
já achei q ia rimar com blues! auehaeu

fabiana disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
fabiana disse...

sei q eu amo blues, mas ia ficar meio rererepetititivo...;)