segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2008

Ode a Walt Whitman

(Sempre quis escrever um poema sobre o capitão de Walt Whitman desde a primeira vez que o li, só que comum final feliz: vivo e guiando seus marinheiros, final talvez menos épico; mas certamente mais otimista.)

With open eyes, determined fist, here I go
To unsailed seas, unseen roads and although
I have brought nothing but my fragile soul
‘guess that´s exactly what it takes me to go.

Thy figure has inspired and conquered my fears
Thy fairness has resided in all that I hear,
All the battles I’ve fought, thy glory comes near
The victory of a small sailor brings out the cheer.

My captain, thou standst inside me and ahead!
Thou hath guided me in full darkness and despair,
Thy strength shall be there when I need it the most…

Hence if the horizon brings in news to regret,
once storms that mounted have summoned in the air,
They shall become firmness which thy soul bestows.

2 comentários:

João Medeiros disse...

brilhante - de repente vc devia tirar as divisões entre as estrofes, só pra ficar bem english sonnet

fabiana disse...

boa dica!